It seems that life just knows how to give you more than what you can possibly handle at the worst possible times, in one big avalanche of unfortunate incidents. The past few weeks have been eventful, to say the least. But we survived, knowing that it can (and will) happen all over again.
When we sat down and gave it some thought, it was difficult not to conclude that it's about fucking time we snapped out of certain things and grow up. We've wasted so many things, been lazy one time too many and we've fucked up when we shouldn't have. If we did better, things would be better.
But it wasn't really time to judge ourselves and be harsh on what's already been done. Sometimes it seems that there are too many choices, too many ways, possibilities and freehand decisions. Either way, you'll never be able to stop wondering about how things might be different.
But we can stock up on everything that we hold dear. The places we want to be at, the life that we want to have, the people we want to be with, the life that we want to give to the people we want to be with. The more important things.
Maybe then, no matter how vast the possibilities are, we'll know exactly where to go.