news flash
on how i feel:
Tired. But it'll be worth it. It'll come.
It feels better when i keep the earphones on and go about my business in my own world.
on work:
It's strange how you're reminded of why you signed up for this only when you see people who have no clue why they did. It's a simple thing, at the end of the day. When it warms me up inside, i remember what it's all about.
But a lot of times, it isn't easy. You lose some faith and belief when you can't find what you're looking for. During those times, i look out into the sky and remind myself that i'll be even more utterly useless in another profession.
on other people:
Still don't like a lot of them.
on friends:
I have just a few, but that's all i need.
on the country:
Screwed. But so long as i have a job and i can find pork, it's all good.
on football:
Tonight is the most important night in my life.
on facebook:
Don't like stupid invites. I don't want to sell my friends, I don't want to pick a fight. I just want to scramble and scrabble.
on new buys:
Tyres and guitar hero controller. The former keeps me alive, the latter...oh, yeah they do the same thing.
on sore throats:
Ever wondered why your craving for fried chicken skyrockets when you have a screwed throat?
on music:
Good haul over the past few weeks. Sad, sad, sad stuff.
on love:
Right now, i prefer stout.