I asked mum for some old pics the other day, cos my new pad looks a tad bare and somewhat lacks character, whatever the hell that means in my head. So she gleefully pulled out two shoe boxes of pictures arranged (incorrectly) according to year.
Of course, I haven't seen those pics in years. Last I recall seeing them was back in Form 1, when the Ministry of Education had the fantastic idea of kicking off history lessons with a project that more or less required you to consolidate every embarrassing moment of your childhood into a scrapbook.
So it was quite nice to see what a lil' brat I was back then. Evidently, things haven't changed much. I showed the world how I was feeling, anytime and everytime (grumpy, mostly), no filters attached. And as I recall, it was a lot of fun really. Sure, it more or less dashed any faint ambition I had of being in the service industry, but hey, things worked out.
You learn how to find happiness along the way in this growing up nonsense, but I'm just glad I can look back 20 years and make myself laugh.
The moody pics are on facebook.