die wondering
There's an episode of Mad Men where the protagonist, Don Draper (CD of fictional agency Sterling Cooper), gets courted by McCann. An athletic club membership, golf clubs, a "Yankee Stadium" salary package and seemingly salivating accounts are dangled in front of Don by Jim Hobart, head honcho at McCann.
Jim: You're a hard man to run into. The next step is a quiet rendezvous… at the Algonquin Hotel.
Don: You're not into the phone thing?
Jim: I'd rather do it face-to-face. I can offer you something… bigger.
Don: Small is bad?
Jim: You'll be so much bigger here. Can you imagine the lifestyle that goes along with Pan-Am? It's a panty dropper.
Don: Um.
Jim: Eventually you come up here, or die wondering.
Priceless last line :).